2× SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix
Product overview:
Product content
Components |
100T |
500T |
A. 2×SYBR Green Master Mix |
1 mL |
5×1 mL |
B. 10 × ROX reference dye |
0.5 mL |
1 mL |
The product contains two components. Component A contains SYBR Green dye, dNTP, PCR buffer (including Tris and MgCl2) and hot-start Taq DNA polymerase. Component B is 10× ROX reference dye, which may be required on certain ABI instruments (See protocol below).
Storage Conditions
Upon arrival, the SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix should be stored at -25°C to -15°C and protected from light. After each experiment, the leftover mix (completely thawed and thoroughly homogenized) can be stored at 4°C if it is to be used within the next 3 months. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles to retain maximum performance. The SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix is stable for 2 years from the date of shipping when stored and handled properly.
Product Description
The 2×SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use cocktail containing all components (except primers and template) for the amplification and detection of DNA in qPCR. The regent is supplied as a 2× master mix with Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, fluorescent dye (detection), and proprietary buffer components. Furthermore, US Everbrigtht’s proprietary chemical modification of the DNA polymerase included in this Master Mix allows for Hot Start PCR, conferring a significant reduction in non-specific PCR amplification that is otherwise of a common occurrence with regular Taq polymerases.
1. ROX reference dye:For certain instruments, ROX is necessary for obtaining accurate Ct value. The concentration of ROX can be referred to the following table 1. ROX will cause some background interference to the melting curve analysis. Therefore, in order to avoid ROX peak interference, do not select the ROX fluorescence value option in the “Passive Reference Dye” of the application software, and then collect and analyze the data.
2. Annealing temperature: The annealing temperature should be set at your primer’s Tm value, and it is usually 50-60 ℃ for optimal result. However, primer’s Tm value (and thus extension temperature) should be designed as closer as possible to 60 ℃ (but still within 50-60℃ range) to reduce the gap between annealing and denaturation temperatures. This requires less time for temperature increase and thus higher amplification efficiency.
3. For Real Time RT-PCR reactions, the reagents used for the reverse transcription reaction are recommended: UEIris II RT-PCR System for First-Strand cDNA Synthesis (no DNase I) (Catalog No. R2027), UEIris II RT-PCR System for First-Strand cDNA Synthesis (with DNase I) (Catalog No. R2028).
Citations and references:
1.Genome-wide identifi cation and transcriptome-based expression analysis of sox gene family in the Japanese fl ounder Paralichthys olivaceus
YU Haiyang, DU Xinxin, LI Xiaojing, QU Jiangbo,ZHU He, ZHANG Quanqi, WANG Xubo
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (2018)
2. Whole-genome resequencing from bulked-segregant analysis reveals geneset based association analyses for the Vibrio anguillarum resistance of turbot(Scophthalmus maximus)
Zhang K, Han M, Liu Y, Lin X, Liu X, Zhu H, He Y, Zhang Q, Liu J.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology(2019)
Fish and Shellfish Immunology(2019)
4.Duck RIG-I restricts duck enteritis virus infection
Hong Huo,Yue Wang,Dongfang Wang,Yiping Wang,Xiaohan Chen,Lili Zhao,Hongyan Chen.
Veterinary Microbiology(2019)
Bo Wang,Xinxin Du,Huizhen Wang,Chaofan Jin,Chen Gao,Jinxiang Liu,Quanqi Zhang
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, genomics & proteomics(2019)
Haiyang Yu ,Yujue Wang ,Xiaojing Li,Feifei Ni,Minmin Sun,Quanqi Zhang,Haiyang Yu,Xubo Wang
Molecular Reproduction and Development(2019)
Youxian Li,Man He,Beibei Chen,Bin Hu
Metallomics,11(1) · October 2018
YU Haiyang;DU Xinxin;LI Xiaojing;QU Jiangbo;ZHU He;ZHANG Quanqi;WANG Xubo
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology(2018-05)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, genomics & proteomics
Weilong Kong, Ziyun Gong, Hua Zhong, Yue Zhang, Gangqing Zhao, Mayank Gautam, Xiaoxiao Deng, Chang Liu, Chenhao Zhang and Yangsheng Li
Biomolecules 2019, 9(5), 188
Weilong Kong, Baoguang An, Yue Zhang, Jing Yang, Shuangmiao Li, Tong Sun and Yangsheng Li
Cells 2019, 8(6), 560
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics(Volume 31, September 2019)
13.LGP2 plays a critical role in MDA5-mediated antiviral activity against duck enteritis virus
Molecular Immunology Volume 116, December 2019, Pages 160-166
14.Glypican-3 Enhances Reprogramming of Glucose Metabolism in Liver Cancer Cells
Gebing Yao, Jikai Yin, Qing Wang, Rui Dong, Jianguo Lu
BioMed Research International Volume 2019, Article ID 2560650, 11 pages
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